Driving the Initiative of Applying Modern Montessori Teaching Methods at Home and in School by Bodhi Montessori

The Montessori education system has drawn parents and educators to explore the curriculum for over a century now. Developed by the Director, Dr Mythri D., this Montessori School' s child-centric approach upholds strong values about cultivating a love of discovery, fostering independence, and encouraging independent hands-on learning in children. Montessori schools are well known for their vibrantly designed classrooms filled with child-friendly Montessori education materials that stimulate a child's natural curiosity. These sensory toys ensure the student is exposed to the curiosity of their surroundings through the touch-and-feel concept. The best part of Montessori teaching methods is that it doesn't have to be confined to the four walls of the classroom walls or its blackboards. Bodhi Montessori believes that both its educators and parents must religiously follow similar methods of imbibing knowledge in their children, which motivates them to go through experiences beyond the textbook or a monotonous lecture.

Building Bright Futures: The Vision Of Bodhi Montessori

Transformation Seen in Children While Applying Montessori Teaching Methods Beyond School

Montessori Teaching Methods at Home

The Montessori teaching methods can be easily implemented in different setups outside of the Montessori school. There are significant changes seen in our children as the parent-teacher community has implemented the following points:

  1. Points followed by Parents:

    1. Parents of Bodhi Montessori have made their home into a learning space by providing their children with open shelves for organizing the materials and toys in a way that is easily accessible to them, unaided. Parents also focus on natural materials and open-ended toys such as kitchen items that encourage room for thinking and exploration.
    2. From simple tasks like cooking without fire, in the kitchen to folding laundry, the daily chores can be portrayed as fun learning experiences. Encouraging your child to be part of different age-appropriate chores helps them to become independent from an early age.
    3. Observe your child's inclination towards activities of interest and ensure to validate them. This makes them feel they are important. Understand their curiosity, and let them guide you to their interests, creating an environment that develops their level of exploration and discovery.
  2. Points followed by Facilitators in Montessori School:

    1. Educators incorporate some fundamental Montessori education materials, that are most effective in the immediate behavior of children when throwing tantrums. This idea is highly effective in Bodhi Montessori, quite often. Some materials used are number rods, sandpaper letters, and practical life activities such as gardening or visiting farms to elevate their learning experience in school
    2. We shift above the traditional lectures and worksheets. We implement Montessori Teaching Methods by creating chances for children to engage in hands-on activities that help them understand concepts and ideas in a more tactile and interesting way.
    3. We assist the children so they can make their own decisions when they can. We also let them make certain choices without prowling by their side.

Application of Montessori Teaching Methods in Bodhi Montessori - Practical Examples

Montessori Teaching Methods

Here are some practical examples of how parents and educators apply Montessori teaching methods at our school:

For Parents:

  1. Instead of flashcards, parents provide their children with objects like blocks or beads for simple counting. They let their children experiment with counting, sorting, and drawing patterns with household items like rice, pasta, grains etc. To instill the fundamentals of math concepts.
  2. Parents read aloud stories together, sing songs with them, and engage in simple conversations, sometimes meaningless ones. This helps to provide your child with a sense of safety and to encourage their behaviour of trusting their feelings around people.
  3. Place a low shelf for certain child-friendly utensils and ask them to help with tasks like arranging utensils or plating. This gives the children independence and a sense of achievement.

The Montessori style is a cornerstone of the Montessori education method at Bodhi Montessori. This meticulously curated curriculum that is followed, whether at home or in a school classroom, has more to it than just teaching children basic activities, it is a stepping-stone for the children to understand independence, explore new concepts, and help them enjoy their learning journey.

Following an order in the children's environment is arranged by our facilitators clearly and predictably, with predetermined places for the learning materials. This allows children to independently reach for them when in need and place them back after use. This simple yet effective task brings them a sense of responsibility and respect for the materials.

Bringing the Montessori Spark Back Home from the Classroom with Bodhi Montessori

Montessori Teaching Methods at Home

The Montessori teaching methods offer a monumental set of frameworks for nurturing a child's natural inquisitiveness and a love of learning. By working on these methods at home and school, parents and faculty can provide a positive atmosphere for enriched learning experiences. Bodhi Montessori is committed to implementing teaching methods beyond textbooks, with a nurturing environment that instils independence, exploratory behaviour and a love for learning in a fun way for all children. We believe that every child has a unique potential and when allowed to learn at their own pace, they show abilities so strong as to conquer the world!

Are you eager to learn more about how Bodhi Montessori works strategically in a patient manner and helps your child flourish? Contact us and schedule a visit or learn more about the Montessori education methods used in our programs.

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